Life Lessons From The Doctor

And no, I don’t mean “an apple a day”.

One of my favourite gifts last Christmas was from a dear friend – a page-a-day calendar of Doctor Who quotes. It rotates through each of the twelve doctors, starting the year with the first things they said after each regeneration (in the case of the ones that followed the original Doctor in a piece of inspired programming to replace an ailing actor).

Doctor 1

I was a bit slow and forgot to open it on the first day. When I turned to the page for the 2nd of January, I knew I was in for an inspired year.

Doctor 2

I laughed. Loudly and continuously throughout the day.

A calendar made for a Jack of All Trades.

So how else might the Doctor inspire this new year?

Doctor 3

Sometimes it is advisable to concentrate on essentials.

Doctor 4

It’s okay not to know everything.

Doctor 5

Tell me you haven’t had one of those moments.

Doctor 6

Ah. This is a common one for a Jack of All Trades.
Always reinventing themselves and surprising the people who think they know them.

Doctor 7

Always take time out to recharge.

Doctor 8

Yes, who am I? Exactly.

Doctor 9

For all you runners out there. And for anyone who isn’t a runner, why aren’t you?

Doctor 10

Don’t get distracted by the small things. Stay focussed on what’s important.

Doctor 11

Sometimes life is strange. You will meet strange people. It’s all a part of the tapestry of life. Jump right in.

Doctor 12

Don’t take things at face value. It’s okay to question the status quo.

That’s the first round of twelve but the ones since have been just as inspiring, including this pearler that turned up on a day when a discussion of bending rules arose with another blogger:


Freaky, huh?

Did any of these inspire you? Do you have your own inspirational calendar quotes to share?




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64 thoughts on “Life Lessons From The Doctor

  1. I enjoyed these even without knowing the show! Thanks so what to your commentary – love the last one most (rule book) and it has been a long time – but my old favorite page a day calendars were origami and this paint a day one- but After this post think I could use a fresh one this year – maybe I will check out the sales at Barnes and noble

    Liked by 2 people

  2. The kids and I have watched all the Dr. Who episodes from the ninth Doctor onwards on DVD. They liked the tenth Doctor best. I’m not sure any of those quotes inspire me exactly, but “Shoes… Must find my shoes” and “Run!” do sound a lot like me going to work in the morning.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I never got into Doctor Who, but these quotes are hilarious and so realistic. “I…oh” is something all too familiar with me. That thought usually occurs to me when I’m trying to find something or when I’m trying to remember where I put something and I can’t find it. I’ll ask someone to help, and then somehow it will turn out. Talk about embarrassing moments.

    Yes to the last quote. Even if it means looking silly while living outside of the rule book. That’s how you have fun 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    • I honestly laughed my head off when I opened the calendar on the 2nd January and saw the quote for that day. I knew I was in for a fun year. 🙂

      I love that “I… oh.” quote. That is also soooo me.

      Isn’t the last one great? It was really weird that the issue of rule breaking/bending came up on that day. Just another sign that this is going to be a winner of a calendar. 😀


  4. “If the square on the hypontenuse equals the sum of the squares on the other two sides, why is a mouse when it spins?”

    If the train leaves the station at 10:00 am and arrives at 6:00 pm, going 55 mph, how many glasses of wine would I need to drink before I would have a drunken, wrong answer for The Doctor? Or would I simply shrug my shoulders and take a nap?

    I am in the second year of “Shame Your Pet” calendar, which has proven hilarious in many ways. In keeping with the wine theme, here’s a quote from “a stroppy little git” of a dog form last week Tuesday: “I climbed on a table and stole 1/2 a glass of wine. When tackled, I got a bit bitey.” Well, yeah, I would bite too when it comes to defending my glass of wine. Good dog!

    Liked by 3 people

    • You know what’s funny about that bit of the quote? These sorts of things have been popping up on Facebook lately as an amusing argument to say mathematics doesn’t make sense. The Doctor was already cracking those jokes forty years ago.

      I love those pet shaming things. They can be hilarious. And yes, fair dues, I’d get bitey too.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Let me tell you how it is right now, H. I am in a foul mood having just dropped the lid of my slow cooker (in fragments on the floor 😦 ) Why did I do that? Because I was having an online conversation with Ryanair! Apparently ‘cookies’ were preventing me from printing my boarding passes. Now, why would naughty cookies do that? I have no idea! But whilst I was flitting backwards and forwards to the kitchen, keeping an eagle eye on the casserole, disaster struck. I can barely raise a smile at Dr. Who. (at least the food- now transferred to my oven- smells good 🙂 )

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Such a fun post, MOSY. I love how you’ve tied this right in to yourself and your multiple personalities……sometimes a gift really can be far more perfect than we ever imagined.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Dr. Who! I’ve been a fan since the fourth – Tom Baker – but I have to say my favorite quote on your list so far is the first, but I find the eighth quote running through my head a lot! Great calendar~

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, me too! Classic quote for a Jack of All Trades.

      I technically came in when Jon Pertwee was in the role but really got hooked during Tom Baker’s time. But then, Peter Davison came in when I was in my early teens and there he was all young, blond and good looking. I think I had a teeny crush. 😀 I’ve loved the reboot but unlike the Johnny-Come-Lately’s who all insist David Tennant was the only good one, I’ve loved each one of the new Doctors for different reasons.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. I’ve got kidneys! Ha yes this is a brilliant discovery. Followed by the immediate dissatisfaction with them. So human indeed. I’m afraid I would want to read the whole thing at once or at least have a wee glance ahead. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. An English friend of mine gives me a calendar of English scenes each year. I take it to work and hang it near my desk and when I need some respite I turn my back on work, look at the current scene and imagine myself there with Jude Law in ” The Holiday”. It works for me!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Ok , now you’ve done it! My curiosity is finally itchy enough for me to check out Doctor Who. I watched it briefly as a kid in the 60s, but honestly, it scared the crap out of me.
    Having said that, any show that includes a sense of humour will draw me in irresistibly.

    Add me to the ‘I … oh’ list 🙂 There is a world of interpretation in there 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Two of these reminded me of the beloved cousin who married us (he’s a Presbyterian minister) – he was late for our wedding (yes, he arrived after the bride) because he’d forgotten his shoes. And when I was still at school, he managed to disprove Pythagora’s theorem to me the night before my final maths exam. 😄

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, we had just spent four weeks travelling around Continental Europe for four weeks including a trip that involved an overnight train from Nice to Pisa, then on to Florence and then to Certaldo, Tuscany by the end of the day. London to Cardiff and back in a day was a doddle. 😀
      The boys were 11, 8 and 5 at the time. They’re teenagers now and I can’t believe what they did at that age!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. As kids, we enjoyed Dr. Who when we lived briefly in England, but hated it forever when we returned to the States to learn that we had missed the premiere of the Star Trek series–and even the first reruns, which we were unable to catch for years.


    Of course, I’m over all that now.

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  13. Pingback: More Life Lessons From The Doctor | Master of Something I'm Yet To Discover

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