Pandemic Survival 4: Good Karma

Do you believe in karma?

I like to do things for other people. It’s not because I’m saving up brownie points to get into heaven. It’s not because I think it will allow me to come back as something better. It’s not because I’m hoping I’ll get something in return. I do it because…. well, because it’s just who I am.

In my last post, I wrote about my way of coping with losing a job I love by making resources for others to use in my own time. I didn’t do it to show off or to look good. I did it because I saw a need and I like helping people. Well, okay, and I also like making things and this seemed like a good use of my time.

I’ve also written about losing my job and how it wasn’t about the money.

As a casual relief teacher in an environment where students are now studying from home, I knew there would not be opportunities to teach until schools fully reopen so I found a way to fulfil the joy I have for teaching in other ways. It felt good.

Do you believe in karma?

Today I did my first of three days of work at my school.

I know.

I still can’t believe it.

For some reason, they were short on teaching staff and a member of staff I had chatted to recently on one of my runs around the river mentioned how crushed I’d been to lose my job and how much I would miss the kids.

So they called me and offered me three days work with a possibility of more in the future.

I don’t know if I believe in karma in the full religious understanding of it but after the events of this week, I have to believe that what you put into the world will come back to you.

Be kind.

Do good things.

Give what you can.

It will come back to you.



Parking Karma – The Secret to Happy Car Parking


I’ve discovered Parking Karma. It’s the answer to stress-free parking.

It came about in the lead up to Christmas last year. That time of year when every shopping centre carpark resembles the M25 at Armageddon*, with cars driving in endless circles in the vain hope of an empty space (assuming they’re moving at all).

I decided I wasn’t going to buy into the whole manic consumer scene this time. As I drove into the carpark that first day, I stayed calm. I let other cars into the line rather than dashing across and blocking their path. I waited patiently for pedestrians to cross in front of me and smiled at them rather than wave my hands in frustration. I hummed to myself a cheery little tune, prepared to take all day to park if it were necessary.

It wasn’t. I turned the first corner and there it was. An empty space, with orderly parked cars either side, a tiny distance from the shopping centre entrance. Did I race for it to ensure nobody beat me there? No I did not. I drove sedately toward the space, completely unencumbered by any fellow parkees, and calmly parked  my car.

This scene was to be repeated throughout the pre-Christmas rush, the post-Christmas sales, the New Year frenzy and the summer holiday madness. Every time, I was calm, polite and patient. And every time, I found a parking space quickly and in a good location.

So next time you’re feeling stressed about finding a park, take a deep breath, sing a happy little ditty to yourself and be prepared to wait for whatever amount of time it might take to find a parking space. You won’t have to wait long. Trust me – I’m a blogger, I know stuff.

*Read Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. You won’t regret it.



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