Pecan Pie!!!

Okay, so maybe I’m inclined to pursue a joke a bit too far….

A couple of weeks ago, I published a post about my love of the movie When Harry Met Sally and my absolute delight in stumbling across filming locations for the movie in New York City. Much of my excitement lay in suddenly finding myself in the place in which my favourite scene – the Pecan Pie scene – was filmed.

This post led my blogging friend Barbara Pyett to post a recipe of Pecan Pie (partly for my benefit). This in turn led me to make said Pecan Pie for a family dinner this evening.

Pecan Pie

And yes, there were silly voices around the table. (Actually, I told them they couldn’t eat it until they’d said “pecaaaaan piiiiiieeeee”. Possibly cruel but hilariously funny.)

Pecan Pie Slice

So, in turn, here is another post about Pecan Pie. Because it’s funny. And also delicious. (Thanks, Barbara.)

But wait. There’s more. (And it’s not steak knives.)

I’ve just finished appearing in a production of Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen of Verona. I played Panthina, servant to Proteus’ mother Antonia.

And all the Shakespeare scholars out there are suddenly scratching their heads and thinking, “No, that’s not right. It’s Proteus’ father Antonio who is in the play. And he has a manservant called Panthino.”

Yes, well, let me tell you about non-professional theatre. Men are hard to find. And our little theatre company believes it is better to gender-flip a role and put in a great female actor than put in a terrible male one. (Not that I’m a great female actor. I just happened to be handy.)


Panthina was only in the first half of the play. In the second half I got to play an Outlaw, along with a couple of those great female actors I was telling you about.


Such a frightening rabble.

(Don’t you just love those bearded beanies?!?)

One of my fellow outlaws is another big When Harry Met Sally fan and after my post, there was some hilarity out the back as we replayed our favourite scenes while waiting to go back on stage.

Then things got a little more out of hand.

At one point in the play, we had to run along the outside of the hall in which we were performing making a racket as if we were chasing someone through the woods. One night, my fellow WHMS fan decided she would shout “Waiter, waiter” the whole way. It didn’t really matter. No one in the audience ever had the faintest clue what we were “hallowing” about anyway.

Well, that just seemed like a bit too much fun to me so the next performance, I proceeded to shout “PEEECAAAN PIIIEEEE!” as we ran, trying not to fall over laughing.

I believe on the last night of the play, we not only repeated these phrases but threw in a “I’ll have what she’s having” while we were at it.

Way too much fun from one little scene.

Pecan pie. I love it. In sooo many ways.

Have you ever threaded a favourite movie scene into your life in some way?



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61 thoughts on “Pecan Pie!!!

  1. See what good things happen when you stop running for a second? Pecan Pie!! I’m not sure but isn’t it the case back in Shakespeare’s day that the opposite was true….the men played women? In any event, the three of you make awesome lumber-sexuals!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Absolutely correct! The pretty young men played the likes of Juliet. So it’s only fair, really, that the girls get a turn in the men’s roles. And it was so much funnier this way anyway because we played it very ambiguously as to whether we were men or women outlaws. Such a scream. 😀

      PS I’m still running. More on that later. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I have so enjoyed reading this…because of pecan pie, of course, and the steak knives and, well, I am not a movie fan, so that part I have to appreciate vicariously. But best of all, for me was the bringing up of all kinds of memories of my days of gopheriing, performing and even directing in local community theatre…..the auditions with a plethora of women turning out, and only two men, the creative costuming and set design, the wonderful in-jokes and ad libs during performances…..strange cast parties. Thank you for a prompt to some wonderful reminiscing about my mis-spent but very much enjoyed youth!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh, I’m so happy to have made a trip down memory lane with a fellow community theatre thespian. 🙂 I’ve never really understood the lack of male actors when our televisions and movie screens are dominated by male roles. Maybe men aren’t keen to do it for nothing and just for fun?


      • In my experience, most of the men were involved because their wives were, or gay. The women competed–fiercely sometimes– for major roles, and the males waltzed in with little competition. Some of those guys were not such good actors, but who was gonna tell them that? I do think vanity was a motivator, since there was no money in it. For me it was just great fun. I especially enjoyed the musical comedies, and can still remember the words to all the songs….

        Liked by 1 person

  3. You know what? You are adorable. Even with a mustache. And I envy the hilarity you are having. Or is that I am jealous? Who cares? I’m happy to hear that you are having a boatload of fun with your troupe.

    And that boatload my dear, is my segue to my movie scene. Say, for example, I am with someone and we want something from a high shelf and the step ladder doesn’t quite reach…. or we are packing stuff for a trip and the suitcase is not quite large enough… or we are hunting the great white shark and the tiny little tub we are sailing isn’t quite up to the job…

    Yes, friends, you are gonna need a bigger boat.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. 1) you’re hilarious
    2) I can’t believe all the pecans in your pie are so neatly arranged. Mine run helter-skelter without a plan.
    3) LOVE the knitted beards.
    4) did I say already that you’re hilarious?
    6) now, thanks to Maggie, I’m going to be thinking “gonna to need a bigger boat” for the rest of the day.

    Liked by 6 people

    • 1) Aw, thanks. 🙂
      2) That’s Mathematician Me. She likes order and patterns. She doesn’t cope so well with helter-skelter or even higgledy-piggledy.
      3) So did we! So much so, they let us keep them! More fun to be had….
      4) You did. You’re very generous. ❤
      5) PEEECAAAN PIIIEEEE!!!! (I think I might have started something.)
      6) Oh, me too. But I can think of worse things to think about for the day.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I have to go and watch Harry and Sally again!

    Oooh, you just reminded me. I was in an apartment in Venice a few years back, and heard the “I’ll have what she’s having” sound effects coming from the apartment above me. I don’t think they were having pasta …

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This reminded me of the wonderful production of Julius Caesar my son-in-law directed, using second year drama students. Half the conspirators were female… it worked a treat.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m hungry. It’s all your fault. :-p I can’t think of a movie that threads through my life, but a certain science fiction TV show seems to be a big part of it. I was watching an episode the other night and I actually thought of you because one of the characters was eating peeeecaaan piiiiieeee!!! Too funny!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I look half-crazed but I’m not sure that’s acting.

      We had a ball even during rehearsals. At one, when I and another outlaw ran off through the doors, there’s a little alcove and then a right turn to the door outside. My fellow outlaw, who was carrying a broom handle for a weapon, got it stuck in the corner of the alcove and suddenly stopped. I ran straight into the other end of the handle. It was a classic piece of slapstick. We came down with a drastic attack of the giggles. We had to wait outside the door to do the aforementioned run down the side of the hall and we were desperately trying not to be noisy while in fits of giggles with tears streaming down our faces.

      Ah…. good times. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Who knitted the beards? I have never seen knitted beards in a shop. I wonder if pecan pies can be knitted, if so, next time you could all run around wearing pecan pie tops shouting ‘beards, beards.’ Very Shakespearean!.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We bought them in a shop! I kid you not. A quirky little shop in town. People are so clever and imaginative.

      I love that idea. A hear that more Shakespeare is on the cards for later next year. I shall mention it to the director.


  9. You are probably the only person I know that can artfully, comfortably, and masterfully segue from pecan pie to Shakespeare and have it make perfect sense! Your posts are so much fun to read and I’m most impressed at your ability to make fun wherever you can.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thanks for showing me your marvellous pecan pie Heather! The play sounded a riot and great fun. As for your last question, I’m probably at the stage where films like ‘Enchanted April’, take me back to imagined holidays in Italy. (not wanting to go physically, as it would never be the Italy I knew, as those I knew are no longer with us).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for the recipe! It was very simple to make and very delicious. (By the way, mine did only take 20 minutes to cook. But it was quite a shallow pie.) I’m planning on making some mini ones for a thing I’ve got on tonight. 🙂

      I think it’s lovely when movies can tap into our own memories. And there’s so many fabulous movies about Italy, you’d be able to feed that as much as you wanted I would think.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I’m so pleased your pie cooked in the correct time. Maybe I didn’t measure things properly, and our oven is a tricky one that recommends everything 20 degrees lower than the recipe! Crazy, but good when I get it right. Good luck with the little ones.
    Yes, you’re right about Italian films, I do have a collection of them. Saves all of that air travel. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Pecaaaan pieeee. Yummm. What you served up at the dinner table looks delicious. I hope there was enough to go round and wouldn’t be surprised if someone asked for seconds 😉 Oooh, that’s a bit of a role(s) in that play. As long as you know the lines, no reason why you can’t play a role. Never threaded a movie scene in my life, though. I’m happy living life as it is…stumbling around 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Usually I’m catering for 14 to 17 people and so I must make multiple things. This often leads to second helpings as it’s not often a number that divides equally (16 works, 15 does not). On this occasion, only eight of us could make it so I prepared only one pie which was duly cut into eight pieces. No coming back for seconds, I’m afraid. Guess I’ll just have to make it again.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. The beards are hilarious, and so is this whole post! I need to re-watch “When Harry met Sally” … it’s been way too many years.

    I have to admit that I’ve never had pecan pie!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I’m really sorry, H — I missed the whole conversation about When Harry Met Sally and the pecan pie recipe 😦

    And that’s really a pity, because WHMS is one of my favourite movies, too! In fact, we’ve just bought a digitally remastered version of the movie on DVD because we like it so much!

    I don’t think I’ll be making pecan pie, though — Paul loathes nuts (of any kind). But the pie looks fabulous 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. H I am struck by the fact that you have a few million things going on in your life ad then on the side a live play. Wow! oh and you are backing pecan pie. I’m with Joanne on the astonishment of the perfect symmetry of the nuts. I used to have a baking business and I an assure you even in those pie making days, my pecans needed to be herded in to their pan and they were not nearly cooperative as yours.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mm. I’ll confess those few million things made it very hard to get to rehearsals some days. There were tears in the car on the way there on more than one occasion. But it was all worth it for the sheer joy and exuberance of the end product. 🙂

      Oh, well I feel quite chuffed then to have exceeded the professionals. 😉 I think the pecans would have been too scared to give me a hard time. I would have put on my maths teacher voice to put them in line. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  16. I can add nothing, but didn’t want to sit silent on the sidelines. Funny post, funny you, much admiration here. If I had time, I’d rewatch the film–remember it as funny, but dont’ recall any scene except Meg’s “oh”s. Perhaps the romance made less impact on autistic, never-had-a-romantic-relationship (thus more skeptical) me.

    When I get the time, I WILL rewatch, ’cause my curiosity over the pecan pie reference is killing me.

    Liked by 1 person

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