Colouring With Einstein

Why do you keep looking over at me? What am I doing that is so odd to you?

You keep staring. I’ll have you know that Einstein approves of this wholeheartedly.


And Picasso.


So there.

You’re just jealous. You’re wishing you’d remembered to bring your own, aren’t you?

It’s not weird, you know. Stop looking at me like I’m crazy.

What was I doing? Well, for a start, I was sitting innocently enough in a café with a large cup of coffee and a haloumi and salad foccacia for my lunch. Nothing odd about that, right? (Well, okay, haloumi is not to everyone’s taste but it’s not that weird.)

While I ate my lunch, I was using a present a friend had just given me for my recent birthday. That may have been it, I’m not sure. Is this odd to you?


It’s okay to sit in a café and do colouring in with textas. At least, I’m pretty sure it is. I mean, they’re Connector Pens.

Actually, first I drew flowers.


The two on the right were already there. The ones that look like scientific experiments are mine.

I didn’t think what I was doing was all that strange. Mind you, one of the waitresses came over to ask what I was doing. Then she went and got the other waitress to come and have a look.

Was it really that odd?

Are you not allowed to do colouring in whilst out in public when you’re a grown-up?


Ah, well, see that’s where the get-out clause is then. I’m not a grown-up. Old, yes. Up, not so much.

I can’t wait to get stuck into some of the other pages.




See you around. Next time, bring your own textas.



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31 thoughts on “Colouring With Einstein

  1. This was a friend who knows you well and loves you. I wish you none but that kind, dear H !!!
    And as for your occupation – whatever appeals, {Nike} …
    You can’t go wrong, imnshbaeo.


      • Oh, I dunno: I suspect you loved doing it ANYWAY !
        Somehow I don’t see you being different for the sake of it. BUT ! – now that I come to put that into words, maybe you do ! And why ? – because *I* do ! [grin]


        • I should rephrase my previous statement and remove the ‘just’. I didn’t just love it for the shock value. I did love doing it anyway but I knew you would completely understand that a part of me enjoyed the reaction. A couple of provocateurs are we. [grins back]
          (Don’t you hate it when you choose a wonderful word like provocateurs and WP tells you it’s wrong – damn that red wiggly line – and so you have to go off and check the spelling which is, of course, correct. WP can be so unsophisticated.)


  2. I love your drawings and I think it’s a book made for adults rather than children. I am sure they were most jealous of your comfort in embracing your Artistic Me and because you actually have talent! It’s a rare person who is comfortable enough with themselves to do what pleases them rather than what society deems normal! I hereby invite you for a colouring session and tea in public any day of the week! I would be proud to sit next to such a content and talented individual!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. OK, first of all, haloumi is so much better than crickets on sticks and llama. And your flowers were the prettiest by far! I feel so strongly about engaging this neglected part of our brains in whatever way we can. Don’t you find that after you’ve “left the building” for a while while coloring or crafting or whatever, when you return, you’re so much better able to deal with things? Well, I do, anyway. Great post, H.


  4. Never heard of textas or connector pens, but a colleague once bought me a colour by numbers book for my birthday (gardens) and I LOVED it! Who says grown-ups can’t have fun colouring in, and this book looks great – full of imaginative FUN things to do. And I love halloumi. Especially the chilli flavour, griddled for breakfast. Ahhhh…


  5. What a brilliant gift! This must have been a gift from someone very special indeed!!
    I loved your unique, non-traditional flowers. Your creativity really does come out to play 😉


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