Magic Kitchen Fairy

We have a Magic Kitchen Fairy.

It’s true.

She’s amazing.

For example:

If you spill something on the bench, you can just leave it and the Magic Kitchen Fairy will wipe it up.

If you pull the inner seal off a bottle of milk, just leave it on the bench. The Magic Kitchen Fairy will pop it in the bin for you. The same goes for empty packets and wrappers.

Dirty plate or cup? Just put it down wherever you’re sitting. The Magic Kitchen Fairy will be along soon to collect it for you.

Whenever you make a sandwich, don’t worry about the cutting board, knife and crumbs and stuff. The Magic Kitchen Fairy will clean that up for you.

Oops. Had an overflow in the microwave? Not a problem! Just go about your business and the Magic Kitchen Fairy will wash the tray and make that microwave sparkling clean again.

If you forget to put that box of cereal back in the pantry, not to worry. The Magic Kitchen Fairy put it away for you.

See? She’s amazing!

She hates me.

No, listen, she really hates me. I’ve tried doing those things and she never cleans things up for me.

And I swear when others leave a mess and I’m around, she hides and leaves me to do it.

She hates me.

You don’t think she exists, do you? But she does. I know.

How do I know she exists?

Because I know my husband and children definitely believe in the Magic Kitchen Fairy.  They trust her completely to clean things up for them. Surely four people can’t be that badly mistaken, can they?

I mean, if they don’t believe in the Magic Kitchen Fairy, then they must be leaving those messes for me to clean up. And that can’t be right, can it?

We have a Magic Kitchen Fairy.

Magic Kitchen Fairy (2)

38 thoughts on “Magic Kitchen Fairy

  1. The Magic Kitchen Fairy must be friends with Mr Nobody who used to live in my house when the children were around. “Who broke this mug?” I would enquire. “Not me” “Not me” “Not me” “Not me” (I have four children). “Must be Mr Nobody again” I’d reply. Don’t worry, you’ll miss all that cleaning up when they have all left home. Oh, hang on a minute. You did say your HUSBAND also believes?

    Liked by 3 people

    • Mr. Nobody
      By Anonymous
      I know a funny little man,
      As quiet as a mouse,
      Who does the mischief that is done
      In everybody’s house!
      There’s no one ever sees his face,
      And yet we all agree
      That every plate we break was cracked
      By Mr. Nobody.

      ’Tis he who always tears out books,
      Who leaves the door ajar,
      He pulls the buttons from our shirts,
      And scatters pins afar;
      That squeaking door will always squeak,
      For prithee, don’t you see,
      We leave the oiling to be done
      By Mr. Nobody.

      He puts damp wood upon the fire
      That kettles cannot boil;
      His are the feet that bring in mud,
      And all the carpets soil.
      The papers always are mislaid;
      Who had them last, but he?
      There’s no one tosses them about
      But Mr. Nobody.

      The finger marks upon the door
      By none of us are made;
      We never leave the blinds unclosed,
      To let the curtains fade.
      The ink we never spill; the boots
      That lying round you see
      Are not our boots,—they all belong
      To Mr. Nobody.

      Source: The Golden Book of Poetry (1947)

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Our MKF went on strike a couple of years ago. It was hell for me, but eventually a new agreement was reached. She still does “work to rule” every now and then just to remind the Y chromosomes how much they need her. Yours might try it — especially now you have your fab she-shed.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. They can be so thoughtless, can’t they? My son is quite efficient in his own place (shared with girlfriend, who cracks the whip when it comes to chores…. gently 🙂 ). But Jude is right, you do miss them. Just not the cleaning up.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by! Yes, I knew it was a topic that many would read and nod their heads in a ‘yep, been there, done that’ fashion. I think I’d just had to say one time too many “Are you going to wipe that up or are you expecting the Magic Kitchen Fairy to do it?” and it was time to release all those thoughts out into the world. Plus it was a fun thing to draw. 🙂


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