The Flying Beetroot: Comedi, Bibi, Cuccuri

Julius Caesar didn’t know how easy he had it. Maybe he did come, see and conquer but at least he had an army full of Romans to wash his togas, cook his wild boar and clean the chariot. And I bet he always put off an invasion until a couple of days after an orgy.

When one has had to prepare the house to host the In-Laws on Christmas Eve, when one has stood slavishly in the kitchen half the day preparing food for both Eve and Day meals, when one has laboured late into the night to clean up and to help Santa wrap presents for under the tree, when one has not exactly eaten and drunk the most appropriate intake for healthy living, then it is somewhat unreasonable – wouldn’t you say? – to expect one to get up the next morning and run nine kilometres.

Bloody spreadsheet.

But if I had to run, then a special Christmas-themed running playlist was required. Here’s a running version of an old favourite:

Angels We Have Heard On High – Relient K (Let It Snow Baby, Let It Reindeer)

The Flying Beetroot Christmas

The Flying Reinbeet

One of the positives I take from my runs is the interaction with other lunati….er….runners, always giving them (and the walkers and cyclists) a smile as I pass. Or possibly just a grimace, depending on how the run is going. It’s always interesting to see what I get in return. Most manage a smile but some try not to make eye contact while some do but don’t smile back. I always wonder what is going on in their lives that it’s too hard even to return the smile of a stranger.

Christmas Day seemed worse than usual. By halfway through the run, I was wishing I’d worn a pair of reindeer antlers or a Santa hat so it might have raised a smile in the sombre ones. Christmas is hard for some for all sorts of reasons.

I thought about skipping a couple of runs so I could give you a Christmas-coloured spreadsheet of red and green but Obsessive Compulsive Me wouldn’t allow it. She’s been having some huge arguments with Reasonable Me, mostly to do with various hurting bits of anatomy and whether I should be running. There have been tears. Runner Me just ignores them both and finishes the run.

Training runs 5

To mix it up a bit, I ran last Sunday’s 12km down on the waterfront. It had been a hot day and though I didn’t head out until 6.30pm but it was still a very uncomfortable run. A sign of things to come. I’ll admit I also had to stop only a short way into the run while I tried to get over a stitch. It’s hard to see where you’re going when you’re doubled over in pain. Still ran the whole 12 kilometres because… well, you all know why.

Anyway, who wouldn’t want to push on in this environment?

Waterfront 2Waterfront 1To finish, here’s one more off the Christmas Run playlist because it’s very…er…non-traditional but appeals to my weird sense of humour. Welcome to the silly season, folks.

Santa Claus Is Thumbing To Town – Relient K (Let It Snow Baby, Let It Reindeer)


(Need a translation for the post title? I ate, I drank, I ran. It’s my new Christmas motto.)



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35 thoughts on “The Flying Beetroot: Comedi, Bibi, Cuccuri

  1. I bow to you and your dedication to the schedule even on the craziest of days for a mother.

    I am currently near comatose after a full day of cooking, cleaning up, cooking some more, cleaning up, repeat. At this stage I’ve decided I don’t like Christmas and I’m going to cancel my participation next year.
    How you managed to squeeze in a run is beyond me. Kudos.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You are definitely not the only crazy runner out there. My schedule held me to a standard today to make sure I didn’t skip either. But my Santa hat brought out a few more smiles than your route did apparently

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You’re the no. 1 Masochist, of course, H – especially as you eat, drink and run !!!! [grin]
    I managed to spot The Tree our there on the water: last time I was down, Sarah drove use around the scenic road, and they were both quite rude about it. 😀
    I reckon you probably never put on an extra ounce, so far – and probably won’t over the NY, either.
    Goodonyermate !!!
    The humidity in Sydney at 5 in the morning is unbelievable ..

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, she is. She has to be. Obsessive Compulsive Me can be ridiculous. During one highly-emotive argument, even Reasonable Me gave up and wandered off to listen to the band. Runner Me just giggled and kept running.

      I reckon the only way you’re going to get red and green in combination during this running challenge is if I run with a hangover and trip over and scrape my knee.


  4. How I envy your running! I used to run 4 times a day – great way to escape the madhouse and to escape becoming a madwoman. I used to run the walk/run path along the SF bay and wonder why people didn’t feel as happy as I did (running makes us happy!) – but they never smiled back. Now I walk (bad knees – thanks to running – oh well) and I smile to everyone I pass. Half smile back. The other half must have had very bad days. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I do not run any more I walk or bike I usually get my smiles returned.
    But Christmas is a stressful time for lots, of good people trying to give more than they have got.
    A smile to a stranger is just a bit too hard for them to muster up.
    Why don’t I run, well I used to run with my three sons then go home and watch the Muppets with them.
    That means I am doing pretty good just getting out there at my age.
    I am a bloke, so I can tell you my age, with out the subterfuge, 84 is my score. _/\_

    Liked by 1 person

      • It was a reluctant slow process. Back in 1998 Pauline and I planed to do a trip around Australia in a Toyota van. We got three weeks into our trip and my R/knee gave out on me.
        The doctors said it would need an operation there were chipped bones to fix.
        While waiting on the operation I exercised and my knee improved.
        I took up riding my bike more and decided not to trust doctors. I have kept working on my knee but still can not run. I use the cross trainer and squats to keep moving.
        Use it or loose it, better to wear out than rust out and don’t expect doctors to fix every thing.
        There is no free lunches.
        Keep running but watch the impact factor, a bike is a good alternative now and again.

        Liked by 1 person

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