Nothing ventured…

My friend Petra told me I should start a blog. The Writer Me was bemoaning the fact that I do not have a PhD in English Literature nor do I work as a journalist at a major newspaper/magazine both of which seem to be prerequisites for successful authors.

Actually, first she suggested I take on more study. Yeah……

“Aren’t blogs passé now?” the IT Me asked. The IT Me is a bit of a tech snob.



I think the look I got in return was one of exasperation.

I’ve always loved to write. My best subject in High School was English. So at university I chose to do a Bachelor of Science. As you do when you love writing…

I also wanted to be an astrophysicist. That was Scientist Me.

Scientist Me

Scientist Me

I didn’t become an astrophysicist. I got bored with physics two years into my course, dropped it, did maths and finished with a degree that was basically useless.

I worked as this and that, Jack of All Trades but a Master of None. Got married, had three kids, travelled, worked as more this and that.

And lurking always in the background? Writing. Travel emails, stories for kids and friends, even a bit of songwriting.

Then after quitting a this and not quite making it into a that, I thought it might be time to give the writing a red hot go.

So I’ve taken my friend’s advice and started a blog. What will it be about? Good question. Writing (certainly), parenting (inevitably), social justice (undoubtedly), travel (wishfully) and random weird stuff (presumably).

Blog on.

PS Illustrator Me does not really exist. I just created her for this blog.



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12 thoughts on “Nothing ventured…

  1. Love reading it keep going you write so well from a Math nerd who hates to write or even read but likes your or is. You’re blog


  2. Love it already! You know I live vicariously through you, so I can’t wait to read all about your adventures! Please keep drawing too – I want to see singing you, maths nerd you, supermum you and all the other you’s that will be introduced…


  3. I’m trying to find myself. Not what I’m good at. i think I know that – fairly clear…so far. Thank you for the follow. Let’s see if we can find what we’re looking for.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m inclined to think the two are interconnected. I can’t help feeling that if I could just find the thing that I am best at, I will also figure out who I am. Or something. Clearly “Philosopher Me” is not it either. 😀
      Thanks for coming over and good luck with your own search!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Earl Nightingale talks about River people and Goal people. The River people are passionate about, and very good at, one thing. Goal people follow one passion long enough to reach whatever goal they wanted to achieve. Then they set a new goal and head along another path. Two different ways of journeying through life!

    While I think I’m a Goal person, based on all the things I’ve tried, I think there is a small seasonal creek of interest that has carried me along for most of my life. (And a swamp out back where I can throw my failures.) Perhaps I would have been happy as a River person, but there are many things I might have missed had I been that type of person!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: In My Forties | Master of Something I'm Yet To Discover

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