Resolutely Not Resoluting

So, it’s the end of January. We’re 1/12th of the way through 2019 already. How are your New Year Resolutions going? Are you living in a world of success, despair or meh who cares?

Me, I’m basking in the light of victory because I have, as I predicted, broken every single one of my resolutions already. Go me.

One month in is a good opportunity to review our goals for the year. Did we make good choices? Are our resolutions SMART?

No, I’m not shouting at you. SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely.

Because everyone keeps a spreadsheet of data to measure their progress on a New Year Resolution, right?

Ha. I was only joking. But, actually, come to think of it…. be right back.

[2 seconds later]

Yeah….nah. I’m going to need a resolution to create data sheets for my resolutions. That can be 2020’s goal.

So, here’s where my resolutions stand:

Most Forgotten Resolution

Resolution 1: Refuse all requests to take photos of other people

I actually forgot I made this one because so far nobody has asked me to take a photo of them. If this keeps up, I may actually achieve this resolution by doing nothing.

Most Likely To Succeed Resolution

Resolution 5: Go to the gym more regularly

In nine days’ time I have a 10km race,  six days after that I fly out to Nepal for three weeks, three weeks after I get back I’ll be walking 100km in 24 hours for Oxfam and six weeks after that I’m running in the Great Ocean Road Marathon (44km). Motivation is a beautiful and useful thing.


Most Broken Resolution

Resolution 4: Limit watching late night talk show monologues to once a week

Who was I kidding? I will continue to break this resolution and I don’t care. It beats curling myself into a ball and whimpering at the state of the world.

Most Unattainable Resolution

Resolution 2: Answer a question with a question and don’t talk about myself

What I failed to realise in setting this goal is that one must first possess the skill of asking spontaneous questions about someone in a conversation. I’ve managed it a few times but only because I’ve predicted the beginning of a conversation and rehearsed the reverse question beforehand. Then the conversation continues and I’m screwed. Are there online courses on “How to conduct a conversation in person” or “How to deflect attention away from oneself in three easy steps”?

Most Worthwhile Resolution

Resolution 3: Limit messages and emails to 25 words or less

The main reason for Resolutions 2 and 3 is that I have grown tired of slapping myself in the head because I said or wrote something stupid,  clumsy, inappropriate, unnecessary or untimely. I know. Strange but true. My masochism has boundaries. (Okay, very wide boundaries, being a marathon runner and having signed up for the 100km Oxfam Trailwalker for the third time, but there are definitely boundaries.)

Limiting myself to 25 words won’t eliminate the occurrence of stupidity but it does lessen the likelihood. The three occasions when I have broken this rule in the past month have proven it a worthwhile endeavour to pursue. No more will I cry “That’s not what I meant!” to the heavens.

Obviously there are limitations on this resolution. If I’m organising the next training walk or fundraising effort for my Trailwalker team, limiting myself to 25 words is likely to leave out important details and I will be wondering why they haven’t turned up at the location and time I failed to mention. But for general chitchat, this is a handy guide.

It also reduces the “Gawd, why did I talk so much?” post-messaging head bashing because sometimes when I think I want to say something, I wonder how I can do it in 25 words and then decide I didn’t really need to say it after all. And relief abounds throughout the online land…

Plus, in the end, I love a challenge. And maths. Figuring out how to say something in limited words is good brain work.

And if I get enough practice, I might be able to put it to use in actual competitions and win some cool stuff.

It’s a winning resolution.


Well, this sounds good.

So how’s your year going so far?

33 thoughts on “Resolutely Not Resoluting

  1. I’ve been using an app called Habits which allows me to list the habits I which to develop (activities I plan to do repeatedly) and monitor how regularly in in fact for them. It’s advisable to focus on one behaviour change at a time but I Iisted all the ones that crop up in all my New Year’s Resolutions lists. It’s an education to serve which I am really enjoying choosing and which fall by the wayside. I can report that reading poetry, gardening and learning new French phrases are all slotting happily into my new normal daily program, while swimming requires an effort – despite this very hot weather.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m still stuck on Most Likely To Succeed Resolution. How on earth does one do proper marathon prep when in the key period before the race you are in Nepal and then doing a 100km walk?!! Good God In Heaven!!! Whew!

    I kind of like your comment about “kicking my resolution goals…. while they’re down on the ground struggling to get up”. hehehehe!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I just wondered with Resolution #2 – Answer a question with a question and don’t talk about myself. Are you planning on running for political office of some sort for this seems to be a definite requirement!

    Liked by 4 people

  4. To make up not going to the gym, it seems like you have held your plans to travel and run very well. I guess when the time comes to shine in the spotlight or sportlight, your determination will get you through 😀 Not just motivation but your stubborness too lol. I didn’t set myself new year’s resolutions. I do remember the things I want to achieve but at the same time have been taking it easy. Nothing like taking it easy and having no expectations 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Your exercise resolution has me feeling a bit like the blob-folks on the Axiom (space ship in Wall-E). I wish you luck with all of that. 25 words or less? I’m over 30 in this comment. Ha ha – gotta go. Great post, Heather.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. First, amazing!!! I like to hear of someone doing something so big as marathons, I can only picture myself doing it, I would partake in a 1k, lol. My New Year is going pretty smooth, I aim for better, it could be better. I am somewhat sticking to my exercise resolution, I need to increase time spent working out and intensity. Being at home I do at home gym stuff without weights. Enough to keep the heart pumping and feeling energized. I have goals; for the summer and by the end of year and I know to achieve each, I must remain focus, determined, no procrastination and stay on the path. It is one thing to make resolutions but actual action brings about a thrill and its life-changing. Lets all follow the omens that leads us and finish the year as champions!!

    Liked by 2 people

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