The Children of Lura, Nepal

By the children of Lura, Nepal….

On the last day of our community project, we spent the morning playing with the children at Manju Shree Primary School. They loved having their photos taken and were fascinated by my camera so I slung the camera around the first child’s neck, showed him how to push the button to take a photo and let him go. And then child after child after child.

These are the photos they took of their friends crowding around to have their photos taken. They’re better than mine! Enjoy the slideshow.

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28 thoughts on “The Children of Lura, Nepal

  1. The photos are incredible. I love the perspective. Perhaps it is that the children are low to the ground and so trusting of each other that the creativity of the ‘very up close’ images shine through. I want to reach through the screen and hug them .:)

    Liked by 2 people

  2. OMG Heather – they are absolutely adorable! What a wonderfully impulsive thing to do! The little guy with the fuzzy pink hat has such an intense and serious face. He seemed completely unsure about the whole photo thing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve just picked up that I never replied to this. Sorry!

      The beanies were a gift from one of the participants and clearly very appreciated.

      The plus side of delaying my reply is that I am feeling much better today than I was three days ago. 🙂 Have even managed a couple of sociable outings which has done wonders for my spirits of not so much for my ribs. 😉


    • I think they’ve had exposure to mobile phones because when I was showing them the photos on the camera, they kept trying to swipe the screen to move to the next one. But most of them certainly didn’t know how to use a camera. It was so wonderful to see them so excited. And they were just gorgeous kids. I miss them all so much.

      Liked by 1 person

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