Pandemic Survival 4: Good Karma

Do you believe in karma?

I like to do things for other people. It’s not because I’m saving up brownie points to get into heaven. It’s not because I think it will allow me to come back as something better. It’s not because I’m hoping I’ll get something in return. I do it because…. well, because it’s just who I am.

In my last post, I wrote about my way of coping with losing a job I love by making resources for others to use in my own time. I didn’t do it to show off or to look good. I did it because I saw a need and I like helping people. Well, okay, and I also like making things and this seemed like a good use of my time.

I’ve also written about losing my job and how it wasn’t about the money.

As a casual relief teacher in an environment where students are now studying from home, I knew there would not be opportunities to teach until schools fully reopen so I found a way to fulfil the joy I have for teaching in other ways. It felt good.

Do you believe in karma?

Today I did my first of three days of work at my school.

I know.

I still can’t believe it.

For some reason, they were short on teaching staff and a member of staff I had chatted to recently on one of my runs around the river mentioned how crushed I’d been to lose my job and how much I would miss the kids.

So they called me and offered me three days work with a possibility of more in the future.

I don’t know if I believe in karma in the full religious understanding of it but after the events of this week, I have to believe that what you put into the world will come back to you.

Be kind.

Do good things.

Give what you can.

It will come back to you.



42 thoughts on “Pandemic Survival 4: Good Karma

  1. That is wonderful news, MOSY! I bet that gave you a little lift in your step 🙂

    I want to believe in karma. I really do. But most of the time it just doesn’t seem to work fast enough for me … especially in the category of ‘smiting’ :/

    However, kindness is always appropriate and is always rewarded – even if it’s just a lighter heart 💕

    Liked by 2 people

    • The rule is that if you can keep your child at home ypu must but schools will be open with a skeleton staff to supervise any child who has to come to school because either their parents work in jobs where they can’t work from home or if the student is vulnerable (out-of-home care, at risk, etc). So they’re open but since they’d only need a few teachers I figured they would not need casuals. It appears not many teachers want to come into school for a day and would prefer to stay home.


  2. Happy to read that you got a chance to work at your school again. *Yay*

    I believe in Karma. I think that belief in it does require patience so maybe I get a little discouraged about it some times, but overall I think good deeds come back to you– and the bad things that people do to me eventually bite them in the butt.

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  3. Yay, yay, and yay. I am so, so happy for you. I’m with a Joanne on the karma thing — especially the smiting — but whatever you call it, I am glad that you have a chance to work again and do something you’re so obviously amazing at.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, it’s discouraging when you see people get away with appalling behaviour. Goodness kmows, we’re seeing enough of it at the moment. Although, recently a man tried to get a refund on $10,000 worth of toilet paper and hand sanitiser he’d hoarded to sell at a profit but ebay shut down his site and now he wanted a refund from the supermarket. The manager just gave him the middle.finger. 😁

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      • A few minutes after I’d commented, I saw that on one of our news sites and thought I may have to re-evaluate my position. It amazes me that, given the subterfuge he apparently engaged in to get the hoard, he thought he’d get away with asking for a refund.

        In my nastier moments I wonder about the legality of imposing a life-time ban on him buying toilet paper and sanitizer. Then he’d be forced onto the black market, where people could make huge profits from his vulnerability…

        Liked by 1 person

  4. What would YOU know about all this ? I mean, it’s not as if you drive goddam miles on an almost weekly basis, stopping at a miniumum of three Woolies (only 2 per customer) to bring me my long-life, lactose-free, low-fat milk, is it ?
    Oh. Yes, it is ! You do !
    What goes around, H me little love .. And after that amazing foray of yours into what I can only call extra-curricular teaching .. well .. it ain’t all that surprising.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I’m a firm believer that good things come back to us when we give of ourselves unselfishly. Which I whole-heartedly believe you do often. I’m glad that you are able to do what makes you happy – teaching the kiddos. Hope that good karma or God’s blessings keep coming your way.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. That’s great news. I’m a firm believer in “what goes around comes around” and it could just be that the school values your contribution and dedication and, when they needed someone, they thought of you straight away. Well done. I hope you get more days.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I actually felt a bit guilty taking the work (how surprising of me 🙄) because I know of CRTs in much tighter financial positions but as the work days went on I felt I was the right one to be there. They’ve even got me recording extra music stuff to send to the kids learning at home! 😄

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