It’s Ukulele Me!

Ukulele Me

Ukulele Me

She’s here! Ukulele Me has finally joined the clan.

Translation: I bought a ukulele today.

It may have been retail therapy, it may have been a flash of carpe diem, or maybe it was just a burst of madness.

Some (The Husband mostly) would say that maybe I should finish learning how to play the banjo I bought two years ago before investing in yet another musical instrument.

[Shrugs and points to herself] Jack of All Trades.

Enough said.




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26 thoughts on “It’s Ukulele Me!

  1. Am busy failing to improve on mandolin, violin, trumpet and penny whistle; doesn’t stop me spending time strumming a ukelele. Sometimes I pick away at the mandolin and decrease the likelihood of ever mastering the uke!


  2. Ukulele seems to be the big thing right now all over the place. I just bought my niece one last year and she’s going great guns on it. Have fun….there’s no way to be down when you’re playing a ukulele!


    • I was tossing up between ukulele and banjo two years ago because the ukulele seemed to be the thing to have but I’ve always loved banjo. The man in the shop said, “go with what you love”, so I did. But uke seems to have just got bigger and bigger so I just had to have one. 🙂
      I find the banjo a good pick-me-up instrument too.


    • 😀
      Top of my list is Somewhere Over The Rainbow. Been in love with that on ukulele since the last episode of Life On Mars (the real one, not that American travesty 😛 ). At the workshop today we did Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, some blues… I think I’m in love with this instrument.


  3. I should like to HEAR something of you playing either of ’em, H, me old china. Perhaps especially the ukelele: there’s something very appealing about that sound.
    Now, if only you could teach yourself to play each one with one hand, you could do your own version of that terrific music from … what was the movie? – “Deliverance”, when they played ‘Duelling Banjos’. 😀


    • There’s a couple of new songs in the pipeline (one I’ve already been working up on the banjo), so you never know…
      I could play the first bit of that – there’s a pause between the repeats so I’d have time to put down and pick up. But they do need two hands. Hm. Maybe if I taught myself how to play with my feet…. I’ll get back to you.


  4. I’m impressed that you are dabbling with multiple musical instruments. I recognized my musical hopelessness many years ago and finally conceded defeat.
    … but it doesn’t stop me from wishing I could play too 🙂


Talk to me. I love a discussion. I might learn new stuff.